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The New Quest for Meaning: Values and Spirituality in the 21st Century Academy

Klarman Hall Auditorium

Graduate Christian Fellowship Roundtable "Spirituality" and "Values" are fashionable topics these days in higher education circles--perhaps in the wake of 9/11 and the recent financial crisis. While these discussions are primarily taking place at conferences of deans and presidents, rather than at disciplinary professional meetings, the fact that they are occurring at all raises interesting […]

The Weakness of God

411 Willard Straight Hall

The annual Institute of Biblical Studies, sponsored by Chesterton House, Bethel Grove Bible Church, and New Life Presbyterian Church, is designed to teach from the Scriptures, challenging participants to deepen their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. Past speakers have included Dr. D.A. Carson, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Roger Nicole, and Dr. Richard Pratt. This year's guest […]

What Every Orphan Needs to Know

411 Willard Straight Hall

Institute of Biblical Studies Text: John 14. 15-23 What Every Orphan Needs to Know “I will not leave you orphaned.” Jesus   Everyone is orphaned, if not literally, than metaphorically, by the pain, loss and sometimes by the devastations of life. The fear or reality of being alone needs the fulfillment of Christ’s promise that […]

Whither Christian higher education? Reflections on a controversy

411 Willard Straight Hall

Graduate Christian Fellowship Roundtable Professor Chignell will speak about the issues raised by his recent article "Whither Wheaton."You can find the "back story" of the article and links to the many articles about the article at

The Desires of the Heart and the Problem of Evil

Klarman Hall Auditorium

Colbert Symposium Eleonore Stump is the Robert J. Henle, S.J., Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University. Author of several works in medieval philosophy, philosophy of religion, and metaphysics, Stump has served as president of the Society of Christian Philosophers, and president of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. She delivered the prestigious Gifford Lectures at […]

The Faith(s) of Scientists

411 Willard Straight Hall

We will discuss what scientists think about religion and whether they perceive any possible areas of overlap with science. In particular we will uncover the surprising reasons scientists believe and the surprising reasons scientists do not believe. Elaine Howard Ecklund is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rice University, where she also serves as a Rice […]

What Scientists Really Think About Religion

411 Willard Straight Hall

Graduate Christian Fellowship Roundtable We will examine whether there are places in the university where science and religion might fruitfully connect and models scientists with faith have for participating in religious communities. Elaine Howard Ecklund is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rice University, where she also serves as a Rice Scholar of the James Baker […]

Chesterton House Painting