with Anna Plantinga Assistant Professor of Statistics at Williams College
Join us as we host Anna Plantinga around a communal table for a shared meal and conversation.
The world is filled with uncertainty and ambiguity. Yet the language and life of faith often seems to be spoken of as one of total assurance, unshakeable confidence, and certainty. But are these really as far apart as they seem? Come join us as we hear from Anna Plantinga, professor of Biostatistics at Williams College, as she helps us think together about how Christians living in faith might find a surprising resource (with its own limitations) in statistical and probabilistic thinking.
Anna Plantinga Assistant Professor of Statistics at Williams College
Anna Plantinga is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Williams College. Her research interests include statistical methods for analyzing associations between microbiome composition or temporal variability and human health. Anna graduated from Calvin College (now Calvin University) with a BS in Mathematics and Biology and earned her PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Washington.