Chesterton House is supported primarily by Cornell alumni and other individuals who share the vision for promoting Christian learning.
Give by Check
Send checks to:
Chesterton House, PO Box 4405
Ithaca, NY 14852-4405
Make payable to “Chesterton House.”
To give securities, property, or to give anonymously:
Call Cornell Development, 1-800-279-3099
Call Randy Stair at the PCA foundation, 1-800-700-3221
Planned Giving
Are you interested in supporting Christian living and learning at Cornell through planned giving–by bequest, will, or a gift that pays income such as a gift annuity or charitable trust?
Cornell University makes it very simple to do so. Please see the Cornell University Office of Trusts, Estates, and Planned Giving.
There are several advantages to planning giving:
- Earn income, pay fewer taxes, and secure your retirement
- Enhance your net estate
- Create a personal legacy
Contact Cornell’s gift planning staff today. Professional advisors will work with you, and with your financial advisors if desired, to help you select the giving tools to meet your goals and support the Chesterton House ministry.
From IRA
On January 1, 2013, Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, H.R.8., which extends the Charitable IRA Rollover through December 31, 2013.
If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a gift of up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to a charity or non-profit, and you will not have to pay tax on this gift. The transfer will be a totally tax-free transfer to the public charity and thus equivalent to a 100% charitable deduction, which is not subject to the normal charitable giving limit of 50% of adjusted gross income.
Thank you for considering Chesterton House in your charitable giving!
Have you ever wondered how you can help Chesterton House? Here’s one great idea: help connect more people with the ministry through an event.
- Dinner Party: Host a dinner party to introduce friends to the work of Chesterton House. Contact us to discuss the possibility of a Chesterton House staff member or board member visiting in person or via Skype.
- Commencement Weekend Hospitality: For those in and around Ithaca, you may wish to open your home to those in need of a place to stay in exchange for a donation to Chesterton House. Several area non-profits do this, and Cornell helps make the connection. Entire houses generate thousands of dollars on average for non-profit organizations of choice.
- Lecture: Invite a Chesterton House staff or board member to give a talk on your campus or to your group.
- Parent events: As both benefactors and beneficiaries of the ministry, parents are an important part of the Chesterton House community. There is no end to what parents can accomplish for a ministry like Chesterton House. As an example of what a parents committee does at one of our sister study centers, get a load of this:
- Church Event: Chesterton House staff regularly speak at churches. Sometimes we preach. Sometimes we address youth groups. Often we provide a talk and discussion during the adult education hour. And of course we are available to meet with missions committees to discuss support of the ministry. Contact us to discuss possible speakers, dates, and topics.
For more information, contact [email protected]
Have you ever wondered how Chesterton House accomplishes so much with so little? Our secret: amazing, incredible, wonderful, volunteers!
Yep, it’s true, much of what happens here, from technology and design work to hospitality and even fundraising, is accomplished by volunteers.
Interested in helping? Opportunities abound, limited only by imagination. Here are just a few of the tasks we are looking for help with.
Facility Maintenance / Repair
We had a guy once. He was SO helpful, and boy do we miss him! We’d love to have more help from a ‘handyman’ with a little extra time to toss our way.
What’s a home without a little beautification! There are few tasks where a small initial effort has a quicker and more noticeable ‘payback.’ Have a green thumb? Use it to dial us and we’ll show you some great opportunities.
Technology related tasks include capturing the audio and video of lectures and other events. This requires some real expertise, but we’d be very glad to hear from you if you have it (we currently hire out all video recording for lack of expert volunteer help).
Library Management
Yes, it’s true, we have a library but no librarian. It’s not a small task to keep these books and periodicals organized, but you do get to handle a lot of great, great stuff, so the intrinsic rewards run high.
You might think that you don’t have anything to offer here, but you would be wrong. Anyone can help. Read more. In addition to these general opportunities, there are also opportunities for service among those with more specialized skills such as grantwriting or annual banquet planning.
We do a lot of hospitality, and it’s very enjoyable, though it does take time and effort. This includes everything from hosting visiting scholars in one’s home (which saves $300 over two nights!), to helping with food preparation for special events at Chesterton House. See for example this amazing annual move-in day luncheon put on by the parents of students at one of our sister study centers. Lots of opportunity here!