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September 30 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM EDT


Chesterton House – 111 The Knoll

Chesterton Perspectives brings you:

Puncturing the Myth of Equality

A conversation with Brad Littlejohn, Fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center
September 30, 2024
7:30 pm EST in person at 111 The Knoll Rd
and via Zoom!
(Registration link below)
No ideal has dominated modern political thought more than equality. Yet apart from political philosophers and economists, few of us give equality any serious thought. We tacitly accept inequalities that seem necessary for society to function: parents and children, teachers and students, politicians and citizens, etc. We even celebrate massive inequalities between ourselves and others like olympic athletes, musicians, doctors, and poets. And yet, we appeal to equality to protect the common dignity of being made in the image of God. When should we push towards greater equality, and when should we instead accept hierarchical inequalities and celebrate difference?
Join us as we host the political theologian Brad Littlejohn who will help us navigate our way through myths and merits of equality.

Brad Littlejohn; Fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center

Brad Littlejohn (Ph.D, University of Edinburgh) is a Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), where he helms a project for renewing an authentically Protestant contribution to American civic renewal. He is also the founder and President Emeritus of The Davenant Institute, where for ten years he helped create resources and courses to form Christian leaders in wisdom to navigate our increasingly challenging cultural moment. A leading voice in Protestant ethics and political thought, he is the author or editor of nineteen books, including The Peril and Promise of Christian Liberty (2017) and the forthcoming Called to Freedom: Retrieving Christian Liberty in an Age of License. He is a weekly columnist at WORLD Opinions, and publishes widely in other journals including First Things, National Affairs, American Affairs, Plough, Mere Orthodoxy, The American Conservative, Ad Fontes, and more. You can find his latest work and regular commentary at

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Chesterton House Painting