Gordon College

Gordon College is one of the nation’s premier Christian colleges and located just north of Boston. Gordon offers students extraordinary access to leading-edge opportunities for intellectual, professional, and leadership development to address the increasingly complex challenges of a global society. Gordon stands apart from other outstanding institutions in New England by combining an exceptional education with an informed Christian faith.

“Gordon College is thrilled to partner with Chesterton House in providing coursework that advances Christian thought on all human endeavor. I have always been impressed with the ministry of Chesterton House, and all of us at Gordon are thrilled with this opportunity to partner in the Gospel.” -D. Michael Lindsay, President, Gordon College

“Gordon College is delighted to partner with the Chesterton House this coming semester. Like the Chesterton House, we strive to awaken and inspire the life of the Christian mind. Because of this shared purpose, we are eager to work collaboratively to deepen the faith and maturity of Chesterton House students.  We hope that this will be but the first step in a longer term and multi-faceted relation that goes both directions and involves both faculty and students.” -Janel Curry, Provost, Gordon College

Chesterton House Painting