Written by Chesterton House

December 13, 2006

I just received my copy of Chesterton Day by Day, a collection of daily readings from the most quotable of writers. Turning to today, Dec. 13 . . .


Elder father, though thine eyes

Shine with hoary mysteries,

Canst though tell what in the heart

Of a cowslip blossom lies?


Smaller than all lives that be,

Secret as the deepest sea,

Stands a little house of seeds

Like an elfin’s granary.



Speller of othe stones and weeds,

Skilled in Nature’s crafts and creeds,

Tell me what is in the heart

Of the smallest of the seeds.


God Almighty, and with Him

Cherubim and Seraphim

Filling all Eternity–

Adonai Elohim.


-GKC, The Wild Knight

Chesterton Day by Day is available on-line at http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~mward/gkc/books/gkcday/gkcday.html

Chesterton House Painting