Join us for a conversation with Praveen Sethupathy, PhD. Dr. Sethupathy is an associate professor at the UNC School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, NC.
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The Cornell Claritas is a Christian publication that was founded on the hope of starting thoughtful Christian conversations within the academic community.
Praveen Sethupathy ’03 is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Genetics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he directs a research laboratory focused on the genetics/genomics of complex human diseases. Praveen received his B.A. in Computer Science, his Ph.D. in Genomics and Computational Biology, and he continued his training as a post-doctoral fellow with Dr. Francis S. Collins at the National Institutes of Health. Praveen was recently selected by Genome Technology as one of the nation’s top 25 rising young investigators in genomics.