April 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
As we continue to ask the big questions in this unique—and virtual—season, we are exploring something that Andy Crouch said in our first virtual Veritas Forum (watch here): “Lament is the seed of creativity.” For our third Forum, we’ll be engaging questions about lament, hope, and creativity.
Join us with students from colleges and universities around the country as Andrew Schuman (Veritas Forum) facilitates a conversation with Lecrae (musician), Alissa Wilkinson (film critic), and Mako Fujimura (artist). We will have an audience live Q&A.
Register here: bit.ly/veritasforumlivestream3
Join us for a post-forum hangout with attendees from Cornell here: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/