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October 5, 2019 at 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT


Chesterton House – 111 and 115 The Knoll

register here

You’re invited to celebrate the dedication of our newly purchased and renovated women’s residence! Join us for the ceremony at 11 am followed by food (catered by Dinosaur Bar-B-Que!), fellowship and the chance to tour the beautiful new living-learning campus at noon.

Parking Info: The parking lot at the residences will be available for mobility impaired individuals only. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early in order to park on Barton Pl, Thurston Ave, or in the lot at the Undergraduate Admissions Office. Please do not park in the lot off of Barton.  If you have questions, feel free to contact Karl Johnson.

In addition to the ceremony and barbeque on Saturday, we will be celebrating God’s provision of our amazing living-learning campus with an exciting lineup of events:

Thursday, Oct 3
7:30 pm  –  Beimfohr-Neuss Lecture on Wonder with Dr. Junius Johnson

Friday, Oct 4
10:15 am  –  “Public Reading of Scripture” Breakfast
12:30 pm  –  “Sayers Conference” on Vocation
8:00 pm  –  Keynote Address on Institutions with Andy Crouch ’90

Saturday, Oct 5
11:00 am  –  Facility Dedication Ceremony
12:00 pm  –  Homecoming Barbeque
7:00 pm  –  Evening Performance with Singer Joy Ike

Sunday, Oct 6
Special Guests Preaching at Local Churches

Bread of Life – Vivek Mathew
Christ Chapel – Dr. Junius Johnson
First Ithaca Chinese Christian Church – Rev. Matt Brown
New Life Pres – Gary Villa

All events are free but if you plan to come, please register to let us know that you’re coming.

Registered Attendees:

Abraham Moss ’23
Adam Ziccardi ’21
Adrienne Hein ’20
Alex Pothen ’84
Alice Barber
Amy Crouch ’22
Amy O’Dowd
Anderson Chang ’19
Andrea Lodge
Andreia Fenley ’23
Andrew Ma ’22
Andrew Schuman
Angelina Wang ’22
Art Mosher
Bailey Trimmell
Barb Westin
Ben Renberg
Benjamin Hopkins ’22
Billy Riley
Bob Fay
Bob Pyle
Brandon Pierotti ’15
Brian Zhong ’22
Bruce Buchanan
Carol and Richard Baer
Carol Fay
Carol Nolan ’73
Caroline Hinrichs ’22
Carrie Pollak ’08
Catherine and Andy Crouch ’90
Charles Nystrom ’22
Cheryl and Jim Keller ’84
Chet Mancini ’12
Christian Vescia
Chuck Tompkins
Clifton Chang ’96
Cole Riley
Conant Schoenly ’12
Craig Tenney
Daniel Kim ’22
Daniel Longenecker ’20
Danielle Muich ’13
David Johnson ’85
David Moriah ’72
David Thom
David Williamson
Dawn and Ron Beggins ’84
Deb Hogue ’55
Deborah Miller ’80
Deborah Moriah ’74
Derek Plotkowski ’12
Diane Schafer ’86
Donna Mueller
Doug ’85 and Donna ’92 Stauffer
Drew Trotter
Elaine and Carl Neuss ’76
Elizabeth Miller
Ellen Mosher
Eniola Oladipo ’21
Enoch Aboi ’24
Esther Jiang ’16
Felicia Setiono ’16
Francesca Vescia
Francine Barchett ’19
Fred Bassette ’76
Frederick Barber ’87
Gabriel Sudduth ’10, G’20
Gary Villa
Greg Tsavaris ’14
Gregory and Asha Johnsen
Gretchen McDaniel
Han Kim ’85 ’87
Hannah Eagleson
Hannah Master ’23
Harold “Chip” Wiese ’72
Hugh Gauch ’66
Huilin Zhang
Isaac Han ’11
J Sam
James Noronha ’09
James Pothen ’10
James Senter ’16
James Touchton
Jane Soukup
Jane Suhey ’20
Janet Kressin
Jason Mulderrig ’23
Jay Miller ’79
Jeffrey Kressin
Jennica Egan ’15
Jenny Cao ’20
Jeshurun Michael
Jim Stouffer
Joann Watterson ’79
Joanne Angbazo ’20
John Noltner
John Nystrom ’22
Jonathan Butcher
Jonathan Lunine
Joseph Reigle ’20
Julie Johnson ’90
Junius Johnson
Karl Johnson ’89
Karlee Lillywhite
Katelyn & Luke Serafin ’24
Keith Kressin ’98
Kelly O’Neal ’85
Kevin O’Neal
Kwan Lee ’98
Laura Lynch
Lauren Veldt
Lindsey Milbrath ’92
Lisa Gong ’22
Lisa P Christian
Liz Susmann
Lorene Recker-Woodnorth
Louis Chua ’20
Lyana Geng ’20
Lydia Caroe ’19
Madaliso Daka ’20
Makenna Ramsay ’23
Marianne Brenner Borja ’71
Mark Dembo ’86
Mary Johnson ’85
Mary Milbrath
Matthew Brown
Merle Mullet ’21
Michael Kuhn ’21
Michael McGinnis ’20
Michael Reynolds ’21
Mike Weaver
Natalie Kirchhoff ’21
Nate Veldt
Nathalia L ’20
Nathan Miner
Nathan Simoni ’23
Nelson Mead ’81
Nick Opinsky
Peter Minch ’20
Philip Schiavoni
Praveen Sethupathy ’03
Ray and Gretchen Crognale
Rayna Chen ’21
Rebekah Milbrath
Rich McDaniel ’75, ’77
Robert Parker ’21
Robin Ying ’20
Rodolphe Bance
Rosemary Avery
Ryan Larson
Ryan Meng-Killeen ’21
Ryan O’Dowd
Sandy Lee
Santosh Ninan
Sarah Hamersma
Sarah Pinckney ’04
Skiva Wang ’20
Stan Matusz ’93
Stephan Teng
Stephanie Krauthamer Ewing ’97
Stephen Simms ’12
Steve ’76 & Becky ’78 Poludniak
Steve Froehlich
Steve Nash
Steven Felker
Steven Pinckney ’03
Stevie Lazenby
Teddy Yesudasan ’19
Temi Sanusi ’20
Terry Woodnorth
Theodore Mullen ’55
Tim Sierk ’20
Timothy Zhu
Toby Holda ’20
Todd Lazenby
Tom Barkley
Tom Miller
Vivek Mathew
Vivian Zhang ’25
Wanda Stouffer
Ward Davis
Wendy Larson ’00
Yinglu Wang ’23
Yun An Sung ’21
Zachary Lee ’20

Chesterton House Painting