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The Renewing of Your Mind

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Spiritual disciplines are often viewed primarily as a means to draw us closer to God. While these practices do deepen and enrich our "vertical" relationship with God, Kyle David Bennett argues that they were originally designed to positively impact our "horizontal" relationships--with neighbors, strangers, enemies, friends, family, animals, and even the earth. Bennett explains that […]

Loving Your Neighbor Through the Itty-Bitty Things We Do Everyday

411 Willard Straight Hall

Spiritual disciplines are often viewed “vertically,” as means to draw us closer to God. While they do deepen and enrich our relationship with God, in this lecture, Kyle plans to highlight and tease out another dimension to their practice: the “horizontal” ordering of life together with our neighbor. Rather than merely being ways to connect […]

Race & Rhetoric

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Rev. Michael S. Chen serves the CCO as Director of Cross-Cultural Ministry, and he spent his formative growing-up years on the icy tundra of Minnesota in a majority Swedish and Lutheran culture, where he learned to inhabit a “ScandanAsian” identity. Voted “most likely to be beamed up by aliens” in high school, he was an […]

On the Edge of the Kingdom: Faith, Engineering, and Entrepreneurship

411 Willard Straight Hall

James Noronha (B.S. Engineering '09) was a member of Fellowship ofChristian Athletes and Naval ROTC at Cornell. He went into the Marinesafter graduation, deploying to the Pacific and the Afghan War. Afterleaving the military he spent a year in Jordan dedicated to missions andlearning Arabic language and culture. He helped start a gym there as […]

“Alleged” Film Screening & Discussion

411 Willard Straight Hall

Fred is a cum laude graduate of Cornell University (1982) and a graduate of Harvard Law School (1987). Since 1989 Fred has been involved with the First National Bank of America and its holding company (collectively, “First National”). He has been involved in First National’s purchase of tax liens, seller-carryback notes, loan portfolios, and the […]

Life in Christ, Life in the Lab

105 Ives Hall

Dr. Marisa Cristina March is a cosmologist who specializes in dark energy science research, a field that seeks to understand the acceleration of the Universe.  Dr. March is a member of the ground based Dark Energy Survey where she works on supernova cosmology and observes at CTIO’s Blanco Telescope.  Dr. March has worked on galaxy […]

Wendell Berry’s Ecological Vision

411 Willard Straight Hall

Dr. Michael Stevens believes Wendell Berry is a crucial voice for the world today, and more particularly, for Christians. His book, written with co-author Dr. Matthew Bonzo, "Wendell Berry and the Cultivation of Life" evaluates Wendell Berry’s writings theologically, addressing themes congruent with contemporary theological concerns while acknowledging ways Berry’s vision can be adopted and lived. […]

At Home in Creation: Wendell Berry’s Vision for Life

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Dr. Michael Stevens believes Wendell Berry is a crucial voice for the world today, and more particularly, for Christians. His book, written with co-author Dr. Matthwe Bonzo, "Wendell Berry and the Cultivation of Life" evaluates Wendell Berry’s writings theologically, addressing themes congruent with contemporary theological concerns while acknowledging ways Berry’s vision can be adopted and lived. It’s […]

Chesterton House Painting