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Trinity and Other-wise Spirituality

411 Willard Straight Hall

Services at 9 and 10:45AM One of the pitfalls of Protestant spirituality has been an unbiblical preoccupation with one’s own ‘heart and soul’ as the site of divine indwelling.   In this sermon, we will look at how God as Three Persons finds delight in the 'Other': the Father is pleased with the Son, the Son […]

Everything Matters

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

"The Jubilee Conference is about living faithfully in every area of life.  For 37 years, we’ve invited over 60,000 college students to Pittsburgh to talk, learn, think, and dream about the public implications of their personal transformation. Jubilee is a conference like you’ve never experienced before. Whether you’re interested in engineering and science or art and music, […]

Working Mothers, Working Fathers

411 Willard Straight Hall

In recent days, much attention has been paid to challenges of work-life balance, especially for women. For Christians, questions of work-life involve different assumptions. The notion of calling, gendered expectations, and commitments to faith communities are all important.  Dr. Reynolds will discuss some empirical evidence of (unequal) work-family relationships for men and women, with special […]

World View, the Meaning of Life, and the End of Poverty

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

STREAM THIS EVENT LIVE! Alan T. and Linda M. Beimfohr Lecture Co-sponsored by the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Rich Stearns shares his journey from Cornell to the heights of Corporate America and then to the poorest villages in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia. Today, as president of […]

Doubt and Faith

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

AAIV fellowship meeting

Chesterton House Painting