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Genes, Atoms, or Something Else?

411 Willard Straight Hall

CLICK HERE TO VIEW LIVESTREAM!   About the Veritas Forum: Where does morality come from? Isn't science rapidly approaching a complete explanation of nature? Do you ever have doubts about your worldview? Where can I find meaning and fulfillment? College students around the world are asking themselves and their friends these questions, but there is […]

God at Work

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Join the Johnson Christian Fellowship for another special guest speaker. David Miller will be facilitating a conversation via Skype to discuss the relationship between faith and work, and to tell us more about the 2015 Believers in Business conference (Feb. 20-21). David is the founding Director of the Princeton University Faith & Work Initiative. His […]

GCH371: Wisdom & Worldview in Proverbs

105 Ives Hall

This course is founded on the assumption that people who lived almost three millennia ago are enough like us that their wisdom writings have value for us today.  We seek, therefore, not only to understand their writings but to find modern relevance for their ideas about the good life, death, faith, education and knowledge, value, […]

Institute of Biblical Studies: Can We Still Believe the Bible? Canon, Transmission, and Translation

411 Willard Straight Hall

CLICK HERE TO VIEW LIVESTREAM Today, many scholars argue that secular and church politics, not divine guidance, determined the 27 New Testament books, and this decision was not until after Constantine became the first Christian emperor of Rome in the fourth century C.E. Following the decisive moment in early Christian history, the winning side in […]

Little Red Wagon

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Little Red Wagon is about a boy's concern for those who lost everything after hurricane Charley tore through Florida in 2007. With nothing more than a blazing spirit of philanthropy and his beat-up red wagon, Zach Bonner sets out to help homeless children in Florida and then America. In the process, he sweeps his fractured family […]

Global Poverty & Me

105 Ives Hall

In an age of internet and television, we are more aware than ever of the many problems afflicting the world--poverty being significant among others. What are the most pressing poverty concerns? How might Christians respond to the suffering and needs that feel overwhelming, especially when considering the global scale? We will tackle these questions with […]

Redeeming the Earth

411 Willard Straight Hall

STREAM THIS EVENT LIVE! Joel Salatin, 57, is a full-time farmer in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. A third generation alternative farmer, he returned to the farm full-time in 1982 and continued refining and adding to his parents’ ideas. The farm services more than 5,000 families, 10 retail outlets, and 50 restaurants through on-farm sales and metropolitan […]

Chesterton House Painting