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Crossing Musical Worlds: An Evening of Jazz, Brazilian, and Classical Music

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

"One of the best of the new generation of jazz piano players."-Bruce Crowther, Jazz Journal International Winner of the 2002 Great American Jazz Piano Competition and a past guest on Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz, New York City based pianist/composer Deanna Witkowski has been heralded for her “consistently thrilling” playing and her “boundless imagination” (All Music […]

How Can I Help? What One Cornellian has done with her time, talents, and training

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

In September 2008, Iris Liang '07 took a major step of faith, left the investment banking world in New York City, and moved to Dallas to launch Videre. In April 2009, Iris went to South Sudan to start Videre’s first microfinance pilot site and in July 2010, traveled to northern Ghana to explore Videre’s second […]

Motherhood As Vocation

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Chesterton House is excited to invite you to this upcoming Friday Conversation where you'll have the unique opportunity to join a Skype dialogue with Kate Harris, Executive Director of The Washington Institute, on the subjects of Motherhood and Vocation. In light of a culture that places so much meaning and emphasis on success as defined […]

Rights, Mercy, and Social Justice for the Oppressed: Reflections on Faith and Politics

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Through the prophet Isaiah (1:17), God implores us to “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.” There are at least fifty other references to social justice in the Old and New Testament. In our desire to pursue social justice in the modern world, however, our […]

Climate Change: Fact, Fiction, or Fad?

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Bike to work. Hug a tree. Live off the grid. Is this climate change thing just another extremist movement? Climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe cuts through the clutter to reveal the real truth about global warming. Is it real? Are we responsible? Should we even care? Reception at 6:00pm with substantial refreshments, program at 7:00pm. Registration […]

A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Join us as climate scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, of Texas Tech University, speaks on climate change from the perspective of a woman of faith. Dr. Hayhoe will draw on her book A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions. Dr. Hayhoe is a noted and respected author, consultant, professor, and scientist. "Yes Lord! […]

Religious America, Secular Europe? Reflections on the Transatlantic ‘God Gap’

105 Ives Hall

Drawing from his most recent book God and the Atlantic: America, Europe, and the Religious Divide (Oxford, 2011), Professor Howard will explore some of the long-standing differences between the United States and Western Europe with respect to religion. With an eye on the present but taking a historical approach, he will argue that some of these differences […]

Christmas Party

411 Willard Straight Hall

Chesterton House and Sophia House residents and friends will be celebrating the end of the semester--and Advent anticipation of the coming King!

There’s Gold Out There: On Learning from Others

411 Willard Straight Hall

THIS EVENT WILL BE LIVECAST BEGINNING AT 7:40 PM EST. CLICK HERE TO VIEW LIVECAST.   All truth is God's truth, and followers of Jesus must be seekers of the truth, wherever we find it.  This requires the cultivation of both spiritual and intellectual discernment.   Richard Mouw is philosopher and theologian, as well as […]

Chesterton House Painting