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Dr. Andrew Chignell, Hugh Gauch, and Dr. Ryan O'Dowd


October 21, 2011 at 7:00 PM EDT


Chesterton House – Residence

What is Natural Theology and Why Does it Matter?  Come let us reason together! 

Natural theology aims at establishing truths or acquiring knowledge about God using only our natural cognitive resources…it relies on standard techniques of reasoning and facts or truths in principle available to all human beings just in virtue of their possessing reason and sense perception. It gives reasons for theism and Christianity that count across worldviews and accepts stringent requirements for its presuppositions and evidence and logic in order to achieve an exceptional level of public and objective argumentation.

Andrew Chignell is an Associate Professor in the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University. His academic work is primarily in Kant and early modern philosophy. He is currently writing an article on natural theology for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Hugh G. Gauch, Jr. is a Senior Research Specialist at Cornell University with expertise in statistical analysis of ecological and agricultural data. He has authored three books and is one of the most cited research scientists at Cornell.

Ryan P. O’Dowd is an Old Testament theologian. He previously taught Religion and Biblical Studies. He holds degrees from the U.S. Air Force Academy, Reformed Theological Seminary, and the University of Liverpool (PhD).

Chesterton House Painting