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Rev. Peter Harris, A Rocha


March 9, 2011 at 9:00 PM EST


Chesterton House – Residence

“No one has done more than Peter Harris to help Christians understand that the Word lives outdoors as well as in, and no one has written more tenderly or insightfully about the process of building community.” -Bill McKibben

Peter Harris is Founder and President of A Rocha, the story of which conservation biologist E.O. Wilson has called “a unique and inspiring epic.” Harris graduated from Cambridge University in English Literature and Religious Studies. Following three years’ teaching literature at Christ’s Hospital, further theological training and then work as an Anglican minister near Liverpool, UK, he and his wife Miranda moved to Portugal to establish and run A Rocha’s first field study centre and bird observatory. In 1995 the work was given over to national leadership and they moved to France where they oversaw the establishment of two other centres while travelling to resource the growing movement of Christians active in nature conservation. A Rocha field projects are now operational in twenty countries worldwide. The story is told in Peter’s books Under the Bright Wings (Regent College Publishing, 2000), and Kingfisher’s Fire (Monarch, 2008). Harris is a contributor to over ten other titles that explore the relationship between Christian mission and environmental concern, and has served as Adjunct Faculty at Regent College, Vancouver and Au Sable Institute, Michigan.

Eugene Peterson has written “Peter Harris is a persistent and most convincing witness that the Christ who saves and the Christ who creates are one and the same Christ, that the care and celebration of creation is essential to a full evangelical witness of the Gospel of salvation.”

Chesterton House Painting