Public Reading of Scripture

T U E S D A Y S   |  12PM   |   Sage Chapel

 T H U R S D A Y S   |   8PM   |  CHOP 536 Thurston

F R I D A Y S   |   9AM   |   111 The Knoll


Join us this semester for our Public Reading of Scripture Events
and enjoy a free meal!


The Bible is a masterpiece of world literature and immense historical significance. We welcome all to join regardless of religious affiliation.

This multi-level experience allows you to slow down and absorb these fascinating and complex texts without pressure or expectation.

What is the Public Reading of Scripture?

The Public Reading of Scripture provides a space for Cornell students, staff, faculty, and community members to join together over a shared meal to listen immersively to the Bible read aloud. Rather than slicing up Biblical texts into short passages or themes, these groups journey through the entire Bible with nothing left out.

Authors of the Biblical texts intended them to be heard aloud in community rather than read alone in privacy. For Christians, there is a clear mandate for this discipline (1 Timothy 4:13). The early church had a regular practice of hearing the Scriptures read aloud in ways that changed the listener’s posture, attention, and engagement to be shaped by these texts. 

In today’s world people are accustomed to reading the Bible in very isolated ways that cater to their own interests, pacing, and desires. The Public Reading of Scripture cultivates a receptive and passive posture in which we can hear these texts as they were intended to be shared; aloud in community. It takes 90 hours to listen to the Bible in its entirety, yet hardly anyone ever reads through it all. Many of us want to read more of the Bible, but few have a disciplined strategy to succeed. Public Reading of Scripture is a unique, immersive experience that cannot be replicated in your earbuds listening alone.


“Devote yourself to the public reading of scripture…” I Timothy 4:13


At each gathering, we start with a Psalm, read a selection from the Old Testament, New Testament, and close with another Psalm.

This low-pressure environment is open to anyone regardless of religious affiliations. There is no liturgical or prayer element and you are welcome to come and go as your schedule permits. Participants have found these gatherings rewarding no matter their background.

The Public Reading of Scripture is offered 3 times per week: morning, midday, and evening.


As we gather over lunch in this beautiful space at the heart of campus, its grandeur is well matched for the mysterious texts experienced in the Bible. This space truly immerses all of your senses in an unparalleled experience.

THURSDAYS | 8PM | CHOP (Cornell House of Prayer 536 Thurston Ave)

Stop by after classes for Pizza + PRS!

FRIDAYS | 9AM | 111 The Knoll

Join us at Chesterton House for a hot breakfast and PRS! This weekly gathering was where PRS all started amidst the Cornell community, and we can’t wait for you to join us!

We use the Public Reading of Scripture App following along the 45-minute canonical plan. Download the app on your device today!


Chesterton House Painting