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Reimagining Race: Black Dignity, Black Rage, Black Justice

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Join us for a virtual Veritas Forum with Dr. Willie James Jennings on a theology of race. Global and Public Health Sciences student, Kimberly St. Fleur '21, will moderate the time and facilitate a live audience Q&A to follow. "Willie Jennings’ book The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race(link is external) (Yale 2010) won […]

Science and Faith in Pandemic Times: Viruses and Humans

Virtual- Zoom Link in Description

Join us for a virtual conversation with Cornell professor of Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Praveen Sethupathy. Interviewed by a Cornell Claritas student, Dr. Sethupathy will walk us through what the coronavirus means for humans from a scientific perspective and how to hold faith in God and the wisdom of science in solidarity together in this trying […]

Chesterton House Painting