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Jesus: The Image of the Invisible God

411 Willard Straight Hall

Institute of Biblical Studies In the final talk of this weekend conference, Rev. Lints will speak at a joint service of Bethel Grove Bible Church and New Life Presbyterian Church.  Services will be held at Bethel Grove at 9:00am and 10:45am.   Jesus: The Image of the Invisible God  (Colossians 1:15-20)  In this final talk, […]

Race, Religion, and the Ballot Box

411 Willard Straight Hall

Dr. Noll will join us for a special event at the Cornell Club in New York City. This is a ticketed event for Cornell alumni. If you are interested in being added to the invite list, please contact The title of Dr. Noll's lecture will be "Race, Religion, and the Ballot Box: How the Prophetic […]

Science, Religion and A.D. White: Seeking Peace in the ‘Warfare’ Between Science and Theology

411 Willard Straight Hall

Fredrick C. Wood Lecture Just over a century ago, Cornell's first president and co-founder Andrew Dickson White published a two-volume work entitled A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, a work that has been very influential in framing conversations about science and religion throughout the twentieth century.  Although the last thirty […]

Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind

105 Ives Hall

Upstate NY Christian Graduate-Faculty Conference In 1994 Mark Noll published a seminal book entitled The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, which was an indictment of the failure of evangelicals to be good stewards of the life of the mind. Although it has become customary in some Christian circles to proclaim the lordship of Christ over every […]

The Galileo Affair: A Modern Perspective

411 Willard Straight Hall

Science is always shaped by what is happening in the broader society that supports it, and the science of the 17th century was no different. Dr. Consolmagno examines how Galileo's work challenged the science of the day, how it was shaped by the personal ambitions of the main players in the field of natural philosophy […]

Creation and Manipulation of Life – God restricted or God inspired?

Corson-Mudd Hall

Health care costs have become an increasingly difficult issue for many in light of the global economic downturn, yet the decisions we make speak loudly about our value system. Medical costs are largest at the fringe of a utilitarian society, the very young, old and sick, which applies tremendous pressure to adjust our values to […]

Faith in the Halls of Learning: Finding, Sustaining, and Communicating Faith in a Secular University Community

Corson-Mudd Hall

This is a special event for anyone in the Seattle area interested in learning more about Chesterton House and the study center movement. There will be a dinner prior to the lecture for Cornell alumni. If you are interested in the dinner, please contact Higher education poses a great dilemma for Christian students and […]

The Journey Back Home: How G. K. Chesterton “Discovered” Orthodoxy

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Co-sponsored with Campus On A Hill (COAH) In Orthodoxy, G. K. Chesterton recounts his personal journey to faith; along the way, he exposes the weaknesses of the materialism, stoicism, and cynicism of the modern world. The theme of Orthodoxy is that Chesterton, in trying to put together his own system to explain the strangeness of man and his […]

The Church and the World

411 Willard Straight Hall

Upstate NY Pastors Conference We live in a wildly pluralistic world, and the growing diversity shows no sign of slowing down. As a result, Christians increasingly finding themselves living among people, as neighbors, colleagues and co-workers, who do not share their deepest convictions and values. Many believers feel uneasy in such a setting, with a […]

Chesterton House Painting