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The Call to Holy Worldliness (two lectures)

411 Willard Straight Hall

These lectures require registration. Click here to pre-register! *Continental Breakfast: 8:30am Session 1, 9:00am: Holy Worldliness God hasn't given up on the world that he created and originally called “good.” Neither should we. This means seeking to honor God’s purposes in all areas of life. -Midmorning Break, 10:15am- Session 2, 10:45am: Everything Matters to God: Serving the […]

Responding to the Call: Women of Spiritual Action

411 Willard Straight Hall

Barbara O. Korner, Dean of the College of Arts and Architecture at Penn State University, will be performing Responding to the Call:  Women of Spiritual Action.   The program includes selections from Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Sojourner Truth, Jarena Lee, and Emma J. Ray.  John Wesley, evangelist to America and spiritual reformer, took a bold stand […]

Christian Witness in the Religious Marketplace

411 Willard Straight Hall

What do we say to the folks today who tell us "I'm not religious--but I am quite spiritual"? We can learn much from how the Apostle Paul addressed the pagan spirituality on display in Athens. *Dr. Mouw will speak at both the 9:00 and 10:45 services Richard Mouw is philosopher and theologian, as well as […]

Jubilee Conference

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

The Jubilee Conference is about living faithfully in every area of life.  From the Jubilee Website: For 36 years, we’ve invited over 60,000 college students to Pittsburgh to talk, learn, think, and dream about the public implications of their personal transformation. Jubilee is a conference like you’ve never experienced before. Whether you’re interested in engineering and science […]

The Metaphysical Hobbit: From Mind to God and Back Again

Klarman Hall Auditorium

Three candidates for a coherent, comprehensive account of reality have impressive credentials: materialism, natural teleology and theism. However, several features of the human mind favor theism over materialism and natural teleology: consciousness, our ability to comprehend the cosmos, and our moral evaluations. These features of the mind appear to require a personal (theistic) explanation. So […]

Has Science Killed the Soul?

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Graduate Christian Fellowship Roundtable Many claim that the findings of neuroscience have made it impossible to believe in an immaterial soul—a substantial center of consciousness with libertarian free will.  For example, in his The Illusion of Conscious Will (MIT Press, 2002), Daniel Wegner claims that specific experimental findings—such as Benjamin Libet’s experiments on decision-making and various “automatisms”—show that […]

On Failure

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Chi Alpha Fellowship meeting

Chesterton House Painting