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Dedication Ceremony and BBQ

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

You're invited to celebrate the dedication of our newly purchased and renovated women's residence! Join us for the ceremony at 11 am followed by food (catered by Dinosaur Bar-B-Que!), fellowship and the chance to tour the beautiful new living-learning campus at noon. Parking Info: The parking lot at the residences will be available for mobility […]

GK’s House Party

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Come check out the view as we kick off the school year with a house party on the patio featuring yard games, a roaring fire pit, and lots of snacks!

Welcome Brunch

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Enjoy brunch on the patio and learn more about Claritas and Veritas. Anyone is welcome! Claritas is Cornell's Journal of Christian Thought. They're always looking for writers, editors, designers, and discussion participants! The Veritas Forum is committed to courageous conversations. They place the historic Christian faith in dialogue with other beliefs and invite participants from […]

Reunion Weekend

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Join us for an open house meet-and-greet at the men's and women's residences during reunion weekend! There will be fellowship, food and a chance to tour the newly renovated grounds.

Stories of Faith

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Come listen to your peers in interfaith dialogue! Hear Cornell students discuss why their faith is important and how it impacts their day-to-day life. Representatives of Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity will be on the panel. Pizza will be provided! For any additional questions about the event, please email Marie Hwang (mh2364).

Faith & Leadership at Cornell

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Join Ken Blanchard '61, author of The One Minute Manager and Lead Like Jesus Revisited, and Carl Neuss '76, to hear from the Founding Director of Chesterton House speak about today's opportunities for Christian living and learning at Cornell University. Karl Johnson '89, PhD '11, started Chesterton House in 2000. The ministry has been mentioned […]

Call & Response Conference

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Taking its name and inspiration from the black preaching tradition in which the pastor and congregation joined together in the effective proclamation of the gospel, this conference will call together church folks, marketplace and nonprofit leaders, pastors, practitioners, artists, and activists from across generations to respond faithfully to the challenges and opportunities of the present […]

Conversation with John Inazu via Skype

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Join Chesterton House, the Christian Legal Society, the Cornell Claritas, and Asian-American InterVarsity for a conversation with John Inazu, an Associate Professor of Law and Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis. His scholarship focuses on the First Amendment freedoms of speech, assembly, and religion, and related issues of political and legal theory. John’s first […]

Claritas Conversation with Praveen Sethupathy

Chesterton House - 111 and 115 The Knoll

Join us for a conversation with Praveen Sethupathy, PhD. Dr. Sethupathy is an associate professor at the UNC School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, NC. Claritas Conversations is a relaxed venue to watch films on various topics, hear professors reflect on their vocation, and discuss the implications of Christian faith for all aspects of life […]

Chesterton House Painting