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Studying Religion in a Secular Classroom

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

What does it look like to study religion "objectively" in the classroom while remaining faithful to Christ? The question arises in a number of ways.  Take, for example, the recent viral video Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus (with almost 20 million hits), and the thoughtful response Does Jesus Hate Religion? Kinda, Sorta, Not Really. Or take […]

The Historical Case for the Resurrection of Jesus

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Christianity is built upon an historical event--the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what is the evidence for that event? Historian Mike Licona will provide an overview of that evidence. Mike Licona has a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies (University of Pretoria), which he completed with distinction. He is the author of numerous books including The Resurrection […]

Chemist as Complementarian

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Robert C. Fay has been a visiting professor at Harvard University and the University of Bologna, an NSF Science Faculty Fellow at the University of East Anglia and the University of Sussex, and a NATO/Heineman Senior Fellow at Oxford University. His interests include the history of Christianity and its connections to science. See his article, Science […]

Natural Theology – Panel Discussion

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

What is Natural Theology and Why Does it Matter?  Come let us reason together!  Natural theology aims at establishing truths or acquiring knowledge about God using only our natural cognitive relies on standard techniques of reasoning and facts or truths in principle available to all human beings just in virtue of their possessing reason […]

Faith in Action

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Please join us for a fascinating discussion with Jim Crawford '78, the founding director of Community Faith Partners. CFP is a local organization that mobilizes volunteers (including students) to bring Christian care to the least among us - including inmates of the Tompkins County jail. A former government major at Cornell, Jim now believes that […]

Making the Most of College

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

This talk is aimed primarily at college students, prospective college students, and parents of prospective college students, but will also of interest more generally to all those concerned about moral and spiritual formation during the college years.  Location:We will meet at The Falls Church, 115 E. Fairfax Street, Falls Church, VA in the New Fellowship […]

Why Tree Frogs need Believers: Christian concern for the environment

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

“No one has done more than Peter Harris to help Christians understand that the Word lives outdoors as well as in, and no one has written more tenderly or insightfully about the process of building community.” -Bill McKibben Peter Harris is Founder and President of A Rocha, the story of which conservation biologist E.O. Wilson […]

A Way Forward for Dialogue Between Religious and Scientific Communities

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

Robert & Mabel Beggs Lecture on Science, Spirituality and Society **Dr. Ecklund will be interviewed on All Things Equal, a Cornell-sponsored radio talk show Tuesday October 26.  You can listen live by tuning in to WHCU, 870 AM, at 8:30 AM, or listen to the podcast, which will be posted later that day, on the All […]

A Friday Conversation with Steven Calk

Chesterton House - Residence 111 The Knoll Rd, Ithaca, New York

With the recent recession and Wall Street receiving lots of attention (and blame), the question arises - What does Christian faithfulness look like in the business world? For this week's conversation, we will talk with Steven Calk about this sort of question. Join us for conversation at 5 and pizza at 6.  Steven Calk teaches […]

Chesterton House Painting